Monday, November 17, 2008

Attack of the Chanchito-Stealing Baby

I realized recently that I have been neglecting my little chanchitos lately, so when D and I headed out to the front yard for some outside time I brought them along for the ride. I think I got some fun pictures that may soon make their way onto cards for my etsy shop. And at one point D grabbed my baby chanchito, and, well, it turned into a nice little storyline (not entirely unlike the one I took last year, with Sierra). The other day I also took some christmas-themed chanchito photos, so be on the look-out for a christmas card set. ; )

Friends are planting the seed in my brain about trying my hand at portraits sometime. I'm not sure if it's something I'm truly interested in, at least for now. I definitely feel like I'd need to have much more confidence in my postprocessing skills before trying to offer my photography as a service to others. And I don't have the time to properly devote to researching poses, lighting techniques, editing, etc. But, who knows. Doors can be left ajar indefinitely...

Zach has unfortunately come down with D's cold, it seems. I am trying to ignore the sensation that could be the beginnings of a sore throat. If I refuse to acknowledge it, does that mean it's not there? We shall see. I guess I should be off to bed, though, to give myself the best chance at a restful night.

1 comment:

  1. you have the perfect practice at home, with D, shooting portraits! and if you want more practice, post an ad on craigslist offering to do one free photo session at a park with a family. it's the perfect entry into portraiture. :)



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