Monday, March 04, 2013

Are you sick of snow pictures yet?

We're kind of at this weird point of winter where it feels like spring is right around the corner, yet it's still cold and there's still a good bit of snow on the ground and it keeps snowing randomly...but it's too warm for the snow to actually accumulate. Today it was snowing literally all day long, but the sidewalks and streets stayed clear the whole time. However, I just got a new pair of snow boots in the mail today (end of season sales FTW!) so that pretty much guarantees that all the snow will melt within the next few days and then it'll be spring.  You're welcome.

We got a half-decent snowfall about a week ago, it was warm and wet and Zach whined a bunch about the sub-optimal quality of the snow and how it would all turn to slush and then melt too quickly.  Me, I liked it because the wet snow sticks better to the trees and branches and I think that looks really pretty. The varying preferences of the outdoor sportsman vs the photographer.










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