Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tunbridge World's Fair

I keep being surprised by how far into the season we already are. Like, I keep looking at the trees and thinking, "wow the leaves are turning colors already..." then remembering that, well, we are mid-way through September. On Saturday we were at a birthday party and the mom mentioned that the next day was the last day of the Tunbrige World's Fair in Vermont, something we missed last year and I'd wanted to make sure to go this year but hadn't even been thinking of it yet because, again, I can't seem to keep track of the time of year. But, thankfully, that friend reminded me.  And, thankfully, my darling friend Jody (who is always up for a fun adventure) also wanted to go and so we packed the kids in the car and checked out the last day of the fair.

Zach stayed home with Quinn which meant I felt a bit freer to bring my camera and snap a few pictures. It was fun to see (and photograph) the old-timey machines and stuff, and the bright colors of the rides and carnival fare. D went on his first rollercoaster ride, and I don't think he could quite make up his mind whether he thought it was awesome or terrifying (or awesomely terrifying?). And, it being Vermont and all, the backdrop of ridiculously green tree-covered hills was gorgeous as always. Here are the bazillion photos to prove it...

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